
Mail Servers – Email Settings

INCOMING MAIL Server SETTINGS POP3 โ€“ Standard (non-SSL)INCOMING Mail  Server name = mail.yourdomain.co.zaPORT = 110 POP3 โ€“ (with-SSL)INCOMING Mail Server name = sslmail.cozadomains.comPORT = 995 IMAP โ€“ Standard (non-SSL)INCOMING Mail  Server nameRead More…


How to Optimize a Database Using phpMyAdmin

To optimize the database via phpMyAdmin in cPanel, follow these steps: Log in to your cPanel account. In theย Databasesย section,ย clickย phpMyAdmin. In the left-hand sidebar,ย click the database that you want to optimize. At theRead More…


How to Set Up a New MySQL Database Username in cPanel

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to create a database username in cPanel: Log in to your cPanel account. In theย Databasesย section,ย clickย MySQL Databases. Underย MySQL Users,ย click theย Add New Userย button. In theย Usernameย field,ย enter a usernameRead More…


How to delete a database in cPanel?

To delete a database in cPanel, follow these steps: Log in to your cPanel account. In theย Databasesย section,ย clickย MySQL Databases. Underย Current Databases,ย find the database that you want to delete and click theย Deleteย link. In theย DeleteRead More…


How to rename a database in cPanel?

To rename a database in cPanel, follow these steps: Log in to your cPanel account. In theย Databasesย section,ย clickย MySQL Databases. Underย Current Databases,ย find the database that you want to rename and click theย Renameย link. In theย RenameRead More…


How to log into WordPress

To log into Wordpress, follow these steps: Go to your Wordpress website’s login page.ย This is usually located at the following URL: https://yourwebsite.co.za/wp-admin Enter your Wordpress username and password in the corresponding fields.Read More…